
The registered address is necessary for every company in the UK for as long as the company is registered. Address service is the best solution for non-residents who have started their company in the UK but don’t have an office here.

A registered office is the official contact address for the company. This address will be shown on the Companies House register and will be publicly available to everyone. It also serves as the official correspondence address for delivering official government mail from the local tax office (HMRC) and Companies House.

Service includes postal services (accepting, sorting and forwarding your mail).

Included in the price:

  • Company’s registered address
  • Company’s administrative address for receiving mail
  • Mail sorting and forwarding by e-mail
  • Important information:

    • This is a yearly subscription service. The fee for the next year’s period will be issued from your credit card one month prior to the new period.
    • The period of one year starts from the date the service was bought.
    • Request a Quote

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